There are a lot of guides and books that will provide information on how to get a promotion. The problem with these books is that they assume the journey ends after being promoted. Once somebody has been promoted they are going to be under even more pressure than before because their superiors are going to be checking that they can cope in their new surroundings.
Knowing how to get promoted is one thing, but knowing how to keep that promotion is another one all together. Here are three core tips to help you keep that promotion and flourish.
Ask for Help
When someone is thrust into a new and exciting position they’re not going to know everything about everything. At the same time, their egos are going to be peaking and they will want to show that they can do the job. Naturally, asking for help isn’t going to be something that ranks highly. The truth is that not asking for help is the worst thing that can happen.
Asking for help is expected. Those superiors know that their newly-promoted employee hasn’t done the job before. They know that they don’t know everything about what they are supposed to be doing. On the contrary, asking for help is a sign of professionalism and expertise. Peers and superiors are there to help. The worst thing in the world is pushing forward and destroying one of the company projects or upsetting a major client.
Don't Change
People are promoted based on what they have displayed in the workplace. It means that superiors want that same behaviour and same display in this new role because they believe that it’s right for the company. Changing face to beco
me more of a disciplinarian or more of a person who demands respect is not going to impress anybody.
Think of it like this, a new role has been taken up, but this new role shouldn’t have a new person in it. The person should be exactly the same and they should be making sure that they don’t change for any reason. Approach the task with the same professionalism that won the job in the first place.
Be Fair
Companies who promote their employees are looking to see if those same employees can properly adapt to their new roles. If they are now a superior to their friends then they expect them to treat them accordingly. They shouldn’t be taken advantage of and they should be making sure that everybody does their own work.
One of the major failings of managers who are promoted is that they will do their friends lots of favours. If a project is running overdue then it will be them who work late whilst their friends go home. A good manager is friendly and firm. They shouldn’t let their personal emotions get in the way of their duties. The company might not demote the manager in this sort of situation, but they will quickly become stressed out as they are shouldering the burdens of others.
Transition to a new leadership role can be daunting. What tips do you have for new or aspiring leaders?
About the author: This post is written by Miles Schmidt who works for Ochre House, the leading international partner for HR Outsourcing, recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) and strategic talent management.
Photo credit: iStockPhoto
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