Posts Categorized: Wellness and Balance

Who Will Watch The Children Today?

Many employees struggle with the issue of child care. It effects both men and women, but I see it more often with the female gender. Family responsibilities are not a male or female issue. They are a human issue. As in most situations, clear and honest communication makes it easier.

Working Vacations

One truth for moms who work at home – or moms in general – is that we have jobs that we can take anywhere. I have a job I take with me everywhere I go, yet I can make a conscious decision to uncouple myself from my work. So can you.

Responsibility: Gift or Curse ?

A strong sense of responsibility is a strength but it can also be the gift that keeps on giving. It never stops or shuts off. What do you do to turn your strength into a gift?

Monday Morning Barometer

Dreading Monday mornings is a ridiculous way to spend one-seventh of your life, but that’s the weird habit millions of people have fallen into. How do you know when you’ve strayed away from your true path?

Telecommuting Works

Telecommuting works. Trust your employees, give them measurable objectives and let them do their thing. Not every job is built in a way that can allow for telecommuting, however, far more jobs could thrive with a little more flexibility.

Woman Up! Bring Your Whole Self to Work

Bring your best self to work, including (especially!) your womanhood. If where you are right now requires you to fundamentally change the essence of who you are, it’s time to start planning an exit strategy.

Summer Resolutions For Work and Play

Summer vacation is here and I toggle between happy nostalgia and the feeling of being pulled. I found that by typing up three concrete actions and publishing them on the Internet, I have been able to honor these commitments to myself. What works for you?

No Apologies

Understanding and practicing the art of conflict resolution allows us to move on psychologically. It’s essential to our emotional well-being and something that affects us long-term if not consistently practiced.

Recovering Workaholic

No one can do everything they want to do all the time. If you are a recovering workaholic like me, you can get really good at juggling things to integrate all the elements.