Like Mother Like Daughter?
Irish playwright Oscar Wilde wrote, “All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That is his.” Is there truth in this statement?
Irish playwright Oscar Wilde wrote, “All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That is his.” Is there truth in this statement?
It is mid-summer and weeds have overtaken my garden. Clutter has sprouted up in all of the rooms of my home. It is natural and in this I find peace. Would you?
If you still call yourself a girl and you’re over the age of 14, I’ve got news for you. Based on the average age of first menstruation in the US, you are technically no longer a girl. Why, in some work settings, does it continue to be acceptable and common to refer to groups of women as girls?
Dreading Monday mornings is a ridiculous way to spend one-seventh of your life, but that’s the weird habit millions of people have fallen into. How do you know when you’ve strayed away from your true path?
Telecommuting works. Trust your employees, give them measurable objectives and let them do their thing. Not every job is built in a way that can allow for telecommuting, however, far more jobs could thrive with a little more flexibility.
Bring your best self to work, including (especially!) your womanhood. If where you are right now requires you to fundamentally change the essence of who you are, it’s time to start planning an exit strategy.
Summer vacation is here and I toggle between happy nostalgia and the feeling of being pulled. I found that by typing up three concrete actions and publishing them on the Internet, I have been able to honor these commitments to myself. What works for you?
Many companies have hopped on the Social Media Train in different ways such as company blogs, Twitter accounts, Facebook fan pages (or are they called LIKE pages, now?), or intranet sites to keep their associates connected. However, what many companies have not anticipated is this: If associates are so passionate about the work they do that they want to create their own personal blog about it, will they be supported?
Understanding and practicing the art of conflict resolution allows us to move on psychologically. It’s essential to our emotional well-being and something that affects us long-term if not consistently practiced.
When you aspire, and all your role models are men, seek a female. You can learn something from male and female role models yet the reality is, female role models offer important, valuable and unique perspectives a male role model never could.