Every few seconds someone yells “Mom!”, the mini muffins smell slightly burnt in the oven, and dual monitors buzz while I try to answer emails and wonder if working right now is a charade and I may as well surrender to the beach. Summer vacation is here and I toggle between happy nostalgia and the feeling of being pulled. Today will be spent at my home office until noon then a friend’s pool with lots of little girls. I am at a certain age where I understand that expectations can fall flat and I try to apply that to the summer and pretty much know that dreams of quality time slip away.
~ pause to find DS charger ~
This summer, I will muster up my best mom moves and I will put all that I can into work as well. Six months ago, I made New Year’s resolutions. For the first time, I wrote them down and they actually stuck.
They were:
1. Getting there on time. I haven’t missed a flight since!
2. Cleaning out my closet. Wow, that felt good and it is still rather tidy.
3. Blogging. I now write regularly for work and for play.
I found that by typing up three concrete actions and publishing them on the Internet, I have been able to honor these commitments to myself. So today, as my girls begin the first week of vacation, I have decided to give summer resolutions a try. Off of the top of my head, I will go again for three.
~ pause to clean dog vomit ~
My summer resolutions are:
1. Have at least three full-attention conversations, no distractions, with each daughter.
~ Pause to play Jishaku ~
2. Get a new client.
3. Partake in an outside activity every day.
And in September, when new backpacks are lined up along the wall, I will take inventory and see how I did.
Photocredit iStockPhoto
I am one month into the summer vacation and I have been trying to keep up with styluses (sp?), dsi chargers, zunes and zune chargers, cell phone and cell phone chargers and don’t even get me started with the hair accessories. I wish you the best with engaging your kids in full attention conversations…mine are all grown and I still haven’t accomplished that feat :-)….Enjoy your summer.
It is so ironic one of your summer resolutions is a daily outdoor activity. Our family were just discussing this yesterday afternoon. It is so important to plan events, outings etc. Although it is tough for me to commit to a daily outdoor activity I am committing to two weekly activities. Happy summer!
The pauses made me giggle…so glad your life is like mine! I love the resolutions, especially the one about one outdoor activity per day. Even a walk around the block can qualify…and you may even be able to sneak in the full-attention conversation during the walk!