Posts Tagged: balance

Say Goodbye to the Balance Burden

Are you familiar with the balance burden? I am referring to the burden and guilt trip we give ourselves each day over our attempt, and quite often failure, to balance all aspects (mom, caretaker, professional, student, friend etc.) of our lives. I spent my first year and a half of motherhood often riddled with guilt because I couldn’t seem to juggle it all. It wasn’t until the birth of my second daughter (18 months after my first) that I finally threw my hands up and admitted defeat. I was defeated, but not for long.

Embrace Choice

“How can I find time to attend this networking event when I am already spread too thin between work, my 2 year old, and my graduate studies?” asked one thirty-something overwhelmed professional/student in my office a few months ago. Great question. And one I didn’t have the perfect, fix- it solution for. If I did, I would perhaps be better at my daily juggling act as well.

Feelin’ Groovy!!

A few weeks ago, week my constant state of being over committed caught up with me and I fell ill. My body was telling me to slow down and I fought it with everything I had, but I lost. The result of what happened was exactly what I needed. You see, I had an ENTIRE day to myself. No one at home. No one at my office door. No electronic device tempting me . . . . it was just what I needed.

Wellness at Home

How can you live a healthy lifestyle when you spend a great deal of time sitting at a desk and have a mile-long list of household and family obligations?

Putting An End to Crazy Hours

Employees who work crazy hours aren’t necessarily more productive. There is no advantage to working long hours and it may often be bad for their physical and mental health.

You’re Sick? Really?

Employers need to be allowed to determine what works best for their work environment, organization and industry when it comes to crafting paid leave policies and flexible work arrangements realizing that there are some widely differing views of what that means.

Life Out Of Balance

In work/life balance, the balance can tip over any time with the life challenges we face every day. It’s an ongoing challenge and it’s in every part of our lives.

A Summer Of Hard Work

People are used to freedom and family during the summertime, bracketed by beaches, long days and picnics. That’s what our memories tell us, what photo albums tell us, and what advertising tells us. But it’s not real.