Posts Tagged: business

Why Good Communication is Like a Nap

When we take time to find the pain points of discussions and consider options to work towards an agreeable solution, we have an immediate progression in our relationships. Don’t we owe it to each other to listen and be heard with clarity?

Do We Treat Our People Like They Are Our Greatest Asset?

When the management doesn’t care, you can sense the difference in the company when you walk through the door. I have worked for companies where the employees felt no more important than the pawn in a chess game. They knew it, their managers knew it, and the company knew it. If you really do value your employees – great! But how is this reflected in your workforce?

Clean Up Your Digital Dirt

Background checks are the norm these days. Here is some information that explains the how and why of this job application process.

Are We Developing People or Careers?

It seems to me that for all of HR’s struggle to become strategic, set benchmarks, and analyze metrics we have forgotten that for individuals, work is still about finding meaning.