Posts Tagged: choice

You Can Learn A Lot Hanging Around The Playground

If you knew now that what made you popular as a teenager could potentially make you unpopular as an adult would you have behaved differently? I know I would. Let’s dial it back even further. If you understood that the simple messages bestowed upon you in grade school, your backyards, and the actions witnessed on […]

Teach Your Children Well: They Might Be Listening!

My Birthday and Mother’s Day gifts did not come this year in beautiful boxes with lovely ribbons.  They did not come in the form of a bouquet or in breathtaking flats of flowers carefully chosen by my family to lovingly plant in my garden.  Nor in a carefully prepared meal of multiple fresh organic vegetables […]

You Already Know What To Do

You’ve surely come to the conclusion, at many points in your career, that your job is one of the toughest jobs around. Managing people, or more rightly, inspiring and growing people, is what you do. You don’t really want to manage people, and understandably enough, no one wants to be managed. So, you’re really caught […]

Women on Top

Let me start by saying that no, this isn’t some 50 Shades of Grey reference in an attempt to capitalize on it’s odd popularity. Lately, I’ve been thinking about the impact a shortage of women in crucial management and executive levels can have on a company’s culture and treatment of it’s female employees. But I’m […]

Limiting Mindsets: Do We Set Our Own Glass Ceiling?

In our personal career path, we can be our own best friends or our own worst enemies.  This is largely due to our mindset and what we believe about our ability.  In working with leaders, I find that people have often set their own glass ceiling.  Researcher Dr. Carol Dweck of Stanford University confirms, “Much […]

What Are Your Intentions For This Year?

Editor’s Note: From time to time, we like to recognize some of the projects and accomplishments of our regular contributors beyond their work for the site.  Kristin Kaufmann’s second book in her “Is  This Seat Taken” series, “It’s Never Too Late To Find The Right Seat” was just recently published, and here she gives us a […]

Where Do You Start When You Begin With a Blank Page?

Simply, you start at the top and you go from there. One word at a time, which  then forms a sentence, which then forms a paragraph and before you know it, a whole page indeed. What has this got to do with you and HR? A lot.   Consider this. You do have a blank […]

Half Empty or Half Full? 3 Tips to Keep it Full

There is such a prevalence of negative messages in today’s world. The media is chock full of ‘if it bleeds it leads’ coverage…and in some ways we have become conditioned to not only expect the icky news, we feed on it. Yes, I get that it is important that we stay in tune with what […]

Happiness vs. Complacency – #NYSHRM14

  “If you limit yourself to what’s comfortable, you deny yourself what’s possible.”   This week I’m at the 2014 New York State SHRM Conference in my hometown of Buffalo.  At the time I’m writing this, we’re about three quarters of the way through the conference and have seen four of the five keynote speakers.  […]

HR Sense: Born or Learned?

It’s been said before that the problem with expecting Common Sense from others is that common sense just isn’t that common. It’s kind of a judgmental statement, right? It almost implies that there are general “rules” for life we should be following but most of us aren’t. What’s worse is that there are a lot […]