Posts Tagged: choices

Creating a Life That Works For The All of You

Motherhood was something I yearned for and very much wanted. I read books on parenting and felt very prepared and a bit overconfident for my new role – until I officially became a mother. Suddenly, I was questioning myself on everything: cloth or disposable, cry it out or co-sleep, organic baby blender homemade creations or the jarred store bought variety, helicopter parent or tiger mom, and the list goes on and on. Not only was I indecisive but I was so consumed with love for this little person that I thought in order to be the best mother possible I should give up everything that defined me pre-baby and focus on this new all important role of raising a human being.

Balance, Boundaries and an Incredible Support System

Defining balance can be tricky.

In my opinion finding balance between one’s work and the remainder of their life is very personal unique to every individual. What balance means for me, can be entirely different than what it means to others. Balance isn’t a constant state. Sometimes, work has to take a priority and sometimes family life does. The key is to not let one always take precedence over the other, but to ebb and flow with the situation at the time.

Nonetheless, along my career and life journey I have found a few things that work for me in terms of balance that I think are worth sharing with others who may be struggling with the issue.

Businesswomen and Recreational Drug Use

The days in which drug abuse was primarily associated with males are well and truly over. Nowadays, an increasing number of women are turning to recreational drugs and alcohol to relieve the pressures of everyday life. But these women aren’t the dregs of society, nor are they “on the streets” they are highly intelligent businesswomen in powerful positions with a lot of pressure on their shoulders.

There are many alternative methods of de-stressing for busy women who are trying to juggle their work and home lives.

Who Signs Your Paycheck?

When you decide to take a stand on something, take into consideration what the person signing your paycheck wants. In most cases, you’ll find what you think you feel so strongly most likely doesn’t matter all that much compared to continuing to receive a paycheck.

When Your Credibility Takes a Hit

Great opportunities are only “great” if you can effectively seize upon them. Some days, the cards just aren’t in your favor and other priorities prevail.