Posts Tagged: confidence

“Would Be Nice” – Negotiation’s Strongest Bargaining Chip

When we show up at the negotiation table, whether for an interview, arbitration, mediation, transition, deal, even quite frankly for a first date, we are taught to come armed with our “Must Haves” and “Deal Breakers.” We are never instructed to come prepared with our “Would Be Nices.” These are the areas, concepts and items for which […]

Getting What You Want In the Workplace

Recently, I gave a talk to the Association for Women in Communications in Springfield Illinois (aka AWC Springfield) called Getting What You Want in the Workplace.  Since we focus on women in HR on this blog, I thought it was fitting to share what I discussed here as well, especially since I mention this site during my talk: […]

Tips For Firing Your Inner Critic (Well, Maybe Not So Fast?)

I used to wish I could fire my inner critic.  You know…the little voice that comes out at the most inopportune times.  For instance, when we are about to go into a meeting, address a room, write a paper, or meet someone new.  It reminds us that we are not good enough, strong enough, smart […]

Women Can’t Do Anything Right! #BULLSHIT

Women Can’t Do Anything Right! This sentiment is a belief I grew up with and entered the workplace with fully controlling my life. Of course, as a brand new college graduate entering the workforce I had no idea of its power and influence over me. I could not pinpoint nor did I know to look […]

Is “She” Really a “BITCH” in the Workplace?

In this title, I am using the word “she” as a representative of any woman in the workplace and not at all thinking of any one woman in particular. However, at times I may bring to mind a certain woman (including myself) to make my point. So what made me write such a post? What […]

5 Reasons a Woman Should Not Be Apologetic in the Workplace

Despite remarkable progress in the workplace and society over the past few decades, women still seem to have more trouble being assertive, overall, than do their male counterparts. For instance, women tend to be more apologetic than men are, even when the situation doesn’t necessarily warrant an apology. Some women seem to be constantly apologizing, […]

{Career Advice} Anything Is Possible

Editor’s Note:  Several of our Women of HR writers have come together to share some of the best pieces of career advice they’ve received.  Their series of posts will run over the next couple of weeks.  Enjoy!   It came from a slogan I saw on a comic strip. It was a cute little character […]

Age Before Expertise: The Battle for Credibility

 I have always known that over the course of my career I’d be faced with adversity at times because I am a female, but I had never truly considered the fact that my age – or lack thereof – would also be a significant variable in the calculation of my credibility as an Executive Recruiter. […]

What’s Stopping You? Overcoming Confidence Issues To Grow Your HR Business

I work with HR business owners on a daily basis, and when it comes to confidence issues, there’s something that I notice time and time again. If an entrepreneur is struggling to realise their potential because of their doubt about their own abilities, then most of the time, they also happen to be women. The […]

Women Talking a Great Game – Business Isn’t Just His Domain

“Don’t just stand for the success of other women – insist on it.” – Gail Blanke, President and CEO, Lifedesigns   Maybe being a man writing this undermines all credibility. My career has been all about embracing the importance and value of a diverse workplace. Having a silent or marginalized voice isn’t easy. Being an […]