Posts Tagged: connecting

Why Working Moms Should Embrace Technology

I was late in the game with technology. While my friends and family were readily downloading apps and taking adorable vintage photos with Instagram, it took me years to embrace the smartphone. I also was slow to get excited by the DVR I nowadays swear by. I am now leaning on technology more and more because as a working mom of 2 toddlers I will take all the help I can get. Here are a few reasons why I encourage all of my mom clients to jump on the tech train and never look back.

CEO for a Day: Thoughtful Business Leadership

Women of HR were asked, “If you were CEO for a day, what would (or did) you focus on to improve an organization’s productivity, employee engagement or ability to recruit?” This is the fifth post in the series of responses.

Wow! It is really fascinating to hear people call me a CEO of my company even if it is for a day! Let me make this a 12 hour work day from 7.a.m to 7.p.m. (only for me, employees can come in at normal office hours) Is this necessary? Yes of course, for me, as I am getting one shot at this and I need to maximize my work day to make a few hard decisions and to inspire everyone communicating why we do things the way we do!

Employee Referrals That Matter

If you have friends, colleagues or neighbors who are seeking you out to help get an insider track, here are a few tips to provide an effective referral to your HR staff and/or hiring managers.