Posts Tagged: culture

Service Awards – Relevant or Passe?

There was a time, not very long ago, when service awards as part of most companies’ recognition strategy was the norm.  Employees were regularly honored for a certain number of years of commitment to the organization with anything from a certificate, to a trinket, to the opportunity to select from a catalog of a variety […]

Three Things Employees Need

Three things needed for a long term relationship are commitment, caring and communication. Just as partners in a successful marriage, who are committed to one another, understand the benefits they receive from one another, employees and employers require the same. Employees need to achieve results and employers to provide stability. Caring is not a word […]

Get in the Groove of Giving Back

The fundamental idea of ‘giving’ is nothing new to women (women give birth, produce life-giving milk, etc.) but ‘giving’ as a professional philosophy is a path far too often looked upon as sacrificial or inferior by its very nature. After all, for every giver there must necessarily be a taker. Think about it: Companies don’t […]

A Healthy & Humorous Workplace Boosts Business Performance

Healthy employees make for a healthy bottom line. The mental and physical health of your employees has a direct effect on your business’ performance. To emphasize this synergy, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine looked at health-focused companies that won its Health Achievement Award and found they consistently outperformed the Standard & Poor’s […]

Corporate Culture Training – “How To”

Corporate culture is the heartbeat of every good company, helping it to run smoothly and bringing the organization to life. It is essential for all employees in a corporate environment to not only understand the workload expectations, but the company culture as well. Here are some “how to” tips on corporate culture training to better communicate company values, visions, and strategic priorities.

4 Ways Consumer Behavior Shapes the Workplace

The other day I happened upon the Fast Company article 12 Trends That Will Rule Products In 2013. The article was focused on consumer goods like phones and washing machines, but you know what? The trends listed made sense in the context of the workplace too and here’s why: your employees are consumers. It’s inevitable that their consumer purchasing behavior will shape their attitudes at work as well.

Here are four trends Fast Company listed that have implications for those of us in the human resources and management functions of our companies.

Making Personal Development a Part of Your Culture

Personal development is incredibly important for both employees and employers, yet few take it as seriously as they should. However, by making personal development a part of your office culture, you can create a company staffed with a well-trained, knowledgeable workforce eager to further their career with you.

I've Got the Music in Me!

There are some things in life that truly tie us all together. I think that one of them is music!! Seriously, think about it. We can remember a certain song or group that defined high school, college, weddings, etc. Have you got the music in you?

Why Your Company Should Use Social Media

What was once a professional networking tool used by a select few has now become a critical aspect of the lives of a huge portion of the population. Social media can be a powerful resource for businesses wanting to expand, diversify, or appeal to a wider demographic.

This starts with the simple concept of branding. Branding is more than choosing a name for your company and defining a business plan. You must create an impression that will last with your targeted audience.