Posts Tagged: employees

Building Organizations Worthy of Our People #WorkHuman 2019

I recently had the honor and privilege of attending the Workhuman conference for my fourth year in a row.  That’s four out of five years for me.  I missed the first year, but only because I didn’t know about the event until it was already happening.  However, once I stumbled across it I followed along […]

Company Culture: More Than Words on a Page

Last month, I spoke with more than 1,400 employees who were afraid that the culture at their company, which had been carefully cultivated for years, was about to change. Like many companies who are part – or become part – of an enterprise parent company, this is a very real fear. In fact, when I […]

The Myth of Culture Fit: Practices that Perpetuate the Myth

Hiring for and encouraging culture fit within our organizations is a concept that sounds ideal, in theory.  The problem is that the reality of culture fit is often misaligned with what it should, in fact, represent.  In a recent post I set the stage for this misalignment; in this post I’d like to delve into […]

Beyond Bereavement Days

Recently, I came across an article from The Society for Human Resource Management that reports the average employee is only allotted 2-4 days off after a death of a loved one. My stomach churned as I went over the sentence again, making sure I had read it correctly. The data is from their 2016 Paid […]

“People Still Matter” – #HRTechConf 2017           

  The 2017 edition of the HR Technology Conference wrapped up about a week and a half ago, and other than transitioning back to my real world day-to-day responsibilities, I’ve also spent the time since then processing what I heard and what I learned.  When I attend a conference, I usually like to hold off […]

Machines Will Rule the Workplace?  Not So Fast…

There’s no arguing that we’re in an era of unprecedented technological advancement.  When I look back on when I started my career just out of college (longer ago now than I care to admit, but still not that long ago) and think about how much the workplace, and life in general, has changed over that […]

5 Things Startup Companies Should Look for When Hiring New Employees

When looking for new employees, finding candidates with relevant industry experience is often necessary.  But let’s face it, there will often be many candidates with very similar credentials. Credentials are important, but not necessarily sufficient on their own, especially when hiring for a small business or start up.  In those cases there are other traits […]

“All In” for a Better, Stronger Workplace – #SHRM17

“All In” was the theme for the 2017 Society for Human Resource Management Annual Conference and Expo, which wrapped up last week.  A theme that could be interpreted in a multitude of ways, it was certainly pervasive throughout the week with attendees often being asked and challenged, “what are you all in for?” So of course, […]

Lower Your Employee Turn Over Rate by Doing These 3 Things

Employers who experience high employee turnover lose a lot of time and money to new hire searches, interviews, onboarding and training. Although this problem is commonly seen in the retail sector, employee attrition can occur in any industry and any type or size of business. A high employee turnover rate happens for a variety of […]

Recognition, Praise, and Appreciation in Reverse

Employee recognition and reward is such a hot topic in the leadership, management and human resources fields.  Although fading to a degree, “Employee Engagement”, was a big buzzword at all the conferences for the last decade or so.  With all the focus on the how management should do their job, I wonder how much the […]