Posts Tagged: engagement

CEO for a Day: Unconventional HR

Women of HR were asked, “If you were CEO for a day, what would (or did) you focus on to improve an organization’s productivity, employee engagement or ability to recruit?” This is the second post in the series of responses.

If I had the opportunity to be the CEO for a day, I’d tell the entire organization to forget everything they know, have experienced or have been told about Human Resources. We’re going to focus on one thing — making work better! Making the employment experience what it’s supposed to be: mutually beneficial.

Getting Managers to Execute Your Talent Management Strategy

As HR professionals we often hear managers discuss their desire to develop their leadership skills, and take on more senior roles within the organization.

Yet many people managers fail to see or understand their responsibility in one of the most critical leadership areas – communicating the organization’s vision to employees. Or, conveying how the work of the team supports the strategic objectives of the organization. They get lost in the tactical execution versus seeing themselves as coaches mentoring their team to success.

A Cup of Ice

We can’t keep expecting change to magically happen because we’ve come up with the next great “best practice.” Model behavior. It’s that simple.

Fanta Diallo

What drives great employees up the wall? Unfulfilled expectations and broken promises.

I Am Done Playing Nice

Do you stifle your employees? Just because the economy isn’t what it once was, it does not mean that there aren’t jobs out there for people who want to leave your organization.

Let’s Get Engaged, Ya’ll

Engagement drives higher-producing teams which then means our organizations will also reap the benefits.