Posts Tagged: family

What I Know For Sure

Oprah Winfrey has a regular column, What I Know For Sure. What do you know for sure?

You’re Sick? Really?

Employers need to be allowed to determine what works best for their work environment, organization and industry when it comes to crafting paid leave policies and flexible work arrangements realizing that there are some widely differing views of what that means.

One Hundred Years From Now

As both an advocate and recovering addict of the social media space, I know all too well how much time can be spent and the cost it can carry. Embrace time off. Spend some with the ones you love.

Who Will Watch The Children Today?

Many employees struggle with the issue of child care. It effects both men and women, but I see it more often with the female gender. Family responsibilities are not a male or female issue. They are a human issue. As in most situations, clear and honest communication makes it easier.