Posts Tagged: Growth

A Career Brick Wall or A Window of Opportunity?

Sometimes things happen in life that are simply unexpected, unfair, and come from out of the blue and smack you in the face like you were never expecting it.  That happened to me this past January.  I had a great career for almost two decades consulting and teaching. My motto was “I teach what I […]

5 Career Rules to Break to Succeed in Today’s Fast-Changing Workplace

Everybody deals with well-meaning “buttinskis” who are always ready with advice or tips to help you traverse the different terrains of life. Whether you’re meeting someone new or pondering the direction of your career, you can expect to be gifted with such “words of wisdom.” So you think, let it be. Right? However, not all […]

You Can Learn A Lot Hanging Around The Playground

If you knew now that what made you popular as a teenager could potentially make you unpopular as an adult would you have behaved differently? I know I would. Let’s dial it back even further. If you understood that the simple messages bestowed upon you in grade school, your backyards, and the actions witnessed on […]

Truth In Advertising

In most instances people and situations present themselves at face value. We however ignore the signs. We see what we choose to see. Painting the scene with our biases, expectations, experiences, hopes, dreams and yes fears.  After all why not, we want what we want. Our wills are strong. Why let a little thing like […]

Comfort Zones

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been watching, observing, and talking with many people around me as they have wrestled with big decisions.  Some of these situations were personal, some were professional, some of them even on the level of life-changing.  As I witnessed their struggles with deciding which path to take, with which […]

Happiness vs. Complacency – #NYSHRM14

  “If you limit yourself to what’s comfortable, you deny yourself what’s possible.”   This week I’m at the 2014 New York State SHRM Conference in my hometown of Buffalo.  At the time I’m writing this, we’re about three quarters of the way through the conference and have seen four of the five keynote speakers.  […]

Five Initial Steps to “Changing Your Frame”

As many companies and individuals face possible obsolescence or at a minimum becoming stale in their service offerings, their approach to their market, or perhaps in their own passions for how they are contributing, the concept of ‘reinvention’ is becoming more and more prevalent. Though this concept is certainly not new, this term has become […]

Closing Thoughts From #SHRM14 – Transformation

Transformation The theme of the 2014 SHRM Annual Conference, and one that manifested in a number of ways throughout the course of the four days.  The keynote speakers touched on it.  Many of the concurrent and Smart Stage sessions reinforced it.  But the question is, did the HR professionals that attended walk away ready to […]

Making Yourself a More Valuable Employee

Recently our training manager at Veterans United Home Loans presented management curriculum on Maximizing Value. The focus was on creating added value through customary avenues like time allocation, resource management, efficiency, and process improvement. We also highlighted a critical, yet often neglected area associated with Maximizing Worth. Namely, modeling behaviors that keep your role and team’s contribution an unmistakable […]

{Career Advice} Making the Change

In How Dorothy Got Her Groove Back, Dorothy Douglass talks about the things she did to help her re-find her love for her job and to improve her attitude at work. Dorothy was really lucky and the tips she shares are great but…what if you still can’t get back into the swing of things? For […]