Posts Tagged: Hindsight 20/20


If we had a crystal ball, life would be grand. But, because we don’t, we often find ourselves at the mercy of hindsight. Hindsight being 20/20, what is one setback you faced in your career that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

One of the characteristics of an entrepreneur is that we like to launch. Start up is in our blood and takes discipline to pass up bigger and better ideas and opportunities in favor of sticking with the plan that works. Painful experience has taught me the importance of avoiding the lure of under calculated risks.


If we had a crystal ball, life would be grand. But, because we don’t, we often find ourselves at the mercy of hindsight. Hindsight being 20/20, what is one setback you faced in your career that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

We are hardwired to respond certain ways to situations without even realizing it. My hard wire response is defense. My defense mechanism cost me my job.


If we had a crystal ball, life would be grand. But, because we don’t, we often find ourselves at the mercy of hindsight. Hindsight being 20/20, what is one setback you faced in your career that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

A long time ago, my father told me it was important to collect life experiences. It was not only important to collect them but to cherish and to learn and grow from them. Let me add . . . to heal from them.

As you journey through life, you collect personal and professional experiences. If you had asked me a couple years ago, I would have told you to let someone else collect them. I was done. I had had enough. Today if you ask me, I will tell you I am glad I did not.


If we had a crystal ball, life would be grand. But, because we don’t, we often find ourselves at the mercy of hindsight. Hindsight being 20/20, what is one setback you faced in your career that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

Years ago, I was an HR product manager for a large global software company. Back in those days at my company, the title ‘product manager’ meant you managed both functional and technical teams. But when that changed, I had to make a difficult choice: functional or technical? I quickly learned that the road to what you want isn’t always straight and it’s easy to get distracted by what you think you want.


If we had a crystal ball, life would be grand. But, because we don’t, we often find ourselves at the mercy of hindsight. Hindsight being 20/20, what is one setback you faced in your career that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

This post is painful because it requires soul-bearing. Out of respect for parties involved, some details are disguised. Read this knowing that even wrenching setbacks can be a blessing in disguise.

Leap (of faith)

If we had a crystal ball, life would be grand. But, because we don’t, we often find ourselves at the mercy of hindsight. Hindsight being 20/20, what is one setback you faced in your career that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

Career choices come in many shapes and forms. When posed the question, “Hindsight being 20/20, what setback in your career ended up being a blessing in disguise?” I knew instantly which period of my life I wanted to write about. I don’t think it was actually a setback, but a dead end. I believe many people face the same type of situation and simply remain stuck. Career choices come in many shapes and forms.


If we had a crystal ball, life would be grand. But, because we don’t, we often find ourselves at the mercy of hindsight. Hindsight being 20/20, what is one setback you faced in your career that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

Once upon a time, a former manager phoned me and told me of a company he knew that could really use my help. His words will resonate in my mind forever, “They really need HR help because the CEO has trouble making decisions and when he does, he keeps changing his mind. I’m worried the managers will run amok without any guidelines or structure.”

During our conversation, visuals of Corporate America à la Lord of the Flies were flashing through my mind. It didn’t scare me because I thrive on a challenge and have plenty of experience with HR start ups. “It’s textbook,” I thought. Well, in hindsight I should have run far away, but I jumped in.


If we had a crystal ball, life would be grand. But, because we don’t, we often find ourselves at the mercy of hindsight. Hindsight being 20/20, what is one setback you faced in your career that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

Midway in my career, I got involved in a startup environment as a co-founder. On many levels, this was a great opportunity. I worked way above my level, was exposed to so many new experiences and grew tremendously. The long hours, the intensity of the roles I took on and the salary sacrificing were not something to be thrilled about. Yet, the passion I felt for what I was involved in, far outweighed any negative impact and kept me moving forward.


If we had a crystal ball, life would be grand. But, because we don’t, we often find ourselves at the mercy of hindsight. Hindsight being 20/20, what is one setback you faced in your career that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

Many years ago, in a galaxy far, far away, oh wait. I was in LA. That’s as close to a galaxy as I might come. Really, many years ago, I thought I had the perfect job. I was working hard, delivering results, and taking no prisoners. It was fabulous. I made a lot of money. It was great work until things started to change. I moved 40 miles to open up a new branch for my boss. Mistake, or so I thought at the time. In retrospect, I lost my mojo – regretted the move, didn’t like the location, didn’t like the people with whom I was working, didn’t like the clients, didn’t like the community, missed my old friends. Frankly I lost my gas. And eventually, I lost my job.


If we had a crystal ball, life would be grand. But, because we don’t, we often find ourselves at the mercy of hindsight. Hindsight being 20/20, what is one setback you faced in your career that ended up being a blessing in disguise?

Sometimes life delivers you the perfect storm. It arrives silently. And then, all of a sudden. Somebody might have yelled “duck” but I probably looked up and said “where?”

Experiencing a career setback is no fun. It is even less fun when the setback occurs publicly. And don’t all career setbacks occur publicly, epically and in biblical proportions? One can never exaggerate them too much. Ever.