Posts Tagged: hiring

Why and How to On-Board New Employees

The definition of on-boarding is “the action or process of integrating a new employee into an organization or familiarizing a new customer or client with one’s products or services.” If done right, new employee on-boarding can increase productivity and enhance retention. Done incorrectly or not at all, can lead to the opposite – frustrated, under-performing […]

Tattoos and Discrimination

I’ve noticed several articles floating around about how jobseekers with visible tattoos shouldn’t be discriminated against when it comes to hiring. One article I read said that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 should be expanded so that inked individuals are protected from workplace discrimination. Huh? We inherit our race, gender and national origin at birth and […]

Automated Assessments: Leveling the Playing Field for Women

The glass ceiling is a very real challenge that many professional women face at some point in their careers. Long described as an invisible cap on women’s earning potential in the workforce, it’s been a headline-making topic since the mid-50s – and for good reason. With the current shift in HR toward objective, automated assessments, the gender-based playing field may really start to level out.

Skip the Clichés in Your Job Search

It’s common sense (well it should be anyway!) that job seekers shouldn’t bad mouth former employers on a job interview. However, when you’re looking for a new job, there’s always a good reason for it and you should be honest — in a professional way. Unless the person interviewing you has just fallen off of a turnip truck or is on their first day of the job, they’ll want to know more. It’s best if it comes from you rather than having the interviewer make an incorrect assumption about you or your work.

How Social Media Can Help HR Pros

We’re all aware that social media can play a significant role in the employee hiring process. An HR Representative need only take a brief look at a prospective hire’s Facebook and Twitter pages to see if there are any inappropriate pictures or distasteful language that may indicate a candidate’s lack of good judgment or maturity.

But now, beyond throwing up red flags, social media is an important gauge in determining the best recruit for the job, and the numbers are beginning to back up this trend

Does Volunteer Work Factor into Hiring Decisions?

Should community service be a considering factor in every position or just ones that would require community involvement? Should volunteering factor into interviewing and hiring decisions?