Posts Tagged: Leadership

HR On Purpose

Here’s my challenge to the on-line HR community. Be intentional in connecting with your peers. The reason most of the HR community isn’t on-line is that they don’t know we exist. So, connect with each other on purpose.

Elephants and Executives

Forgiving and forgetting are rare gifts amongst elephants and executives. Here’s my story of an executive who did not forget.

Gender At Work

As HR pros, we are supposed to help ensure that there is a clear line of sight between an employee’s effectiveness and his or her ability to do well at our organizations. Let’s work together to help company managers disentangle their own gender conformity preferences from the requirements of the job, and the companies we help lead.

The Gender of Leadership

Are there gender differences in leadership? Probably the most noticeable differences in styles would be in the area of communication. Generally, female leaders are more accessible and open in their approach than their male counterparts yet regardless of gender, personal experiences and perspectives shape leadership styles.