Posts Tagged: mentor

Mentors: The Key To Your Success

I have a passion for mentoring. I have been helped by so many people to move from a small town student from Missouri to leading an international firm with some of the greatest employees in the world. I have experienced mentors that have moved in and out of my life and I have mentors who have been part of my life since I was 18 and remain touch stones of reality. These gifts from wisdom from mentors have made small and enormous differences in my life and the life of my teams.

Is There Really a Glass Ceiling?

Is there really a glass ceiling? I don’t buy it. But I could be wrong. I know there are more men in leadership positions than women. I know there are industries where men have the advantage. And I’ve worked with (and for) chauvinists. But I just don’t believe there is a conspiracy to keep women from advancing.

Career Advice from Women of HR

As the year winds down, we are in the midst of making lists, checking them twice and planning for the holiday season. While our immediate sights are set on the weeks ahead, we are also looking into 2012 at life, travels and career. If someone asked you what the best career advice you ever received was, what would you say? Well, I asked the Women of HR to weigh in and this is what they said.

National Boss’ Day

October 16 is National Boss’ Day. Who was your best boss? What did they do that you remember and value?

Mentoring is Only Part Of The Solution

Mentoring programs abound. Coordinators, companies and participants boast of their success. The successes are real. The programs are powerful. Yet, mentoring programs are only part of the solution.