Posts Tagged: mothers

Smarter Benefits: Key to Retaining Talented Working Mothers

Take a quick scan of your workforce. Is there a significant percentage of working moms? If not, don’t be surprised. A 2009 study from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business found that 28 percent of women with Harvard MBAs had left the workforce 15 years after receiving their degree.HR professionals should take a step back to scrutinize their organizations’ benefits policies to better obtain and retain talented women.

A Beautiful Moment – and a Lesson – From Euro Soccer 2012

Daily occurrences mirror life and if we take note we can glean pearls of wisdom. Bring your children to your field. Expose them as much as possible. Let them know and understand what it is that you do. Make them partakers of your victories and your losses. It will be an enriching experience for all concerned. Work and the home front do not have to be mutually exclusive