Posts Tagged: motivation

Should An Employee’s Pay Be Based On Their Performance?

There are numerous different schools of thought out there when it comes to how employees should be paid. Some employers prefer a flat salary because it draws high-end staff members that want assurance they’ll be paid what they’re worth. Others opt for performance pay because it encourages workers to become more productive in order to achieve higher levels of income.

HR, Try Treating Paid Employees like Volunteers

Feeling under appreciated is one of the most common reasons why people leave jobs. It can be really disheartening to work incredibly hard on something and feel as though no one even noticed. Employees that feel valued will work harder and stay with a company longer. Here are a few ways you can keep that from happening!

Passion Is Overrated

I used to think I needed to find passion in work. But as far as feeling passionate every single day? Nein. I don’t come to work every day because I feel passionate about my work; rather I come to work every day because I have bills to pay and prefer to have a roof over my head.