Posts Tagged: onboarding

Why and How to On-Board New Employees

The definition of on-boarding is “the action or process of integrating a new employee into an organization or familiarizing a new customer or client with one’s products or services.” If done right, new employee on-boarding can increase productivity and enhance retention. Done incorrectly or not at all, can lead to the opposite – frustrated, under-performing […]

Millenials, Onboarding and Ice Cream Cones

There are a couple ways to look at Millenials entering the workforce today. Either a) you have a bunch of delusional, texting, Facebooking employees who have unrealistic expectations that they will be CEO in 2 years and feel they are entitled to getting everything they want, or b) you have an emerging number of employees full or energy and enthusiasm who want to find new ways to break into the corporate world and make a difference.

No matter how you look at it, working with Millennials is an inevitable truth of your career now and in the future.