Posts Tagged: Rules

Break Free From Inflexible Thinking

As an HR professional, I understand that there needs to be certain rules and guidelines in place; rules to ensure a safe, legal, and productive environment for our employees. But when we spend too much time focused on those rules and who might break them, we lose sight of what our true purpose should be: providing the support to perpetuate the success of our organizations through our people.

There Are No Rules to Getting Ahead

There are no rules to getting ahead. Those rules are a fallacy. There are barriers and there are difficulties, but just like there is no pixie dust that will make you successful, there are no rules that prevent you from doing good things that will make you successful.

Hard Work Alone Will Not Get You Noticed

Regardless of how hard we work, our career may come down to some defining moments and these defining moments are ours to manage and take into our own hands.

Real Success Requires Honesty

I believe real success comes to those who are able to see their shortcomings and their strengths and play to both of these accordingly. It requires an unparalleled level of honesty but the reward is a life that’s far more satisfying and truer to oneself.I am reminded of the many beautiful aspects of womanhood, of the very elements that make us who we are.

Be The Captain of Your Own Ship

As a gay man, I am often confused by the notion of striving for equal rights. It is not the equal part that is confusing. It is the striving.

On one hand, there is a need to identify with a cultural brand, e.g. gay. On the other hand, there is a quest for rights that everyone else has. With that, is also a quest for opportunities, and the subsequent success and power that others possess. Each of us decides our own definition of success and power. Take charge of yourself, create your own definitions of success and power, and be the captain of your own ship.

Let Others Take Responsibility for Their Own Mistakes

The fact is, women apologize far more often than men. And we apologize for different reasons, often to convey sympathy rather than responsibility. Care less. Apologize less. Or at least count the number of times you say, “I’m sorry,” compared to your male peers. Let people take responsibilities for their own mistakes. It won’t kill them.

The Secret World Of Rules

Invisible rules can erode good feelings and camaraderie. Eliminating the invisible makes work and life all much clearer. What can you clear up today?