Editor’s Note: Women of HR has partnered with Spherion on a series of sponsored posts to bring you highlights and commentary from their 2015 Emerging Workforce Study, which contains a great deal of interesting data and statistics about future trends in the workforce and our workplaces. This is the final post in that series. […]
What does the word “technology” do to your blood pressure when you hear it? How about “digital space?” “Social media?” Your answer may be different depending on a few things: Your age; Your geography; Your career choice; and possibly, Any expectations you’ve been given for using (or not using) technology. For the record, I’m 53. […]
Society has gotten to the point where it is more interesting to find that a person does not use some sort of social media platform, than one that uses a platform daily. This deeply personal display of information, however, often finds its way into a workplace environment, and not always in a positive way. There […]
I live in Indiana. It’s February, typically considered a winter month (you might hear a little cynicism in my words…). And it’s snowy. Albeit, there’s much more snow here than we’ve had in recent years, but is that really a surprise? I was scheduled to attend a local seminar tomorrow. I am a “nerd” and […]
Several years ago I did a post on this site called Love, Marriage, and SEO. In it I talked about how through marriage I had lucked into a great new name because I was, and still continue to be, the only Shauna Moerke on the internet. That’s awesome SEO (Search Engine Optimization) right there. I […]
This weekend I’ll be heading to Chicago, IL for the 2013 SHRM Annual Conference and Expo, running from Sunday, June 16th though Wednesday, June 19th at McCormick Place in downtown Chicago. I am fortunate and honored to have been invited to be a part of the #SHRM13 Social Media team, and will thus be attending to cover the events of the conference, share information, and generally help build excitement around the event.
…While social media use at work has definite risks, it also is one of the best ways to empower and engage employees. Increasingly, in our connected 24/7 businesses, the line between work and personal time is blurring….Yet, most organizations don’t really know how their employees are using social media, either personally or professionally, let alone what impact it’s having on employees’ overall levels of productivity.
If you’ve got a hiring hole to fill, breathe easy. The good news is there is a workforce out there, willing and able to take on complex tasks quickly and get your business moving. But the go-to techniques that used to work in wooing ace candidates or in narrowing a broad field may not cut the mustard now.
Offices are a place of business… usually. The line between work and personal lives is being blurred as 9-to-5 jobs go out the window and professional and personal lives blend.
A direct comment that could be deemed sexual harassment is now an irregularity in physical places of business. Social media is a more subtle outlet for sexual harassment. With policies and procedures in place for more direct harassment, companies may be overlooking social media sexual harassment. Ensure every employee enjoys a harassment free work place by taking action now.
What was once a professional networking tool used by a select few has now become a critical aspect of the lives of a huge portion of the population. Social media can be a powerful resource for businesses wanting to expand, diversify, or appeal to a wider demographic.
This starts with the simple concept of branding. Branding is more than choosing a name for your company and defining a business plan. You must create an impression that will last with your targeted audience.