Posts Tagged: tips

Tips to Grow Exponentially in Your Job, Ladies!

Even highly skilled and hardworking ladies face these kinds of career hitches time and again. Why? Because women suffer from some visceral averseness that hamper their career growth in many ways.

Here are my tips that may help you improve your work efficiency and let you experience exponential growth at your workplace.

3 Tips To Help You Keep That Promotion

There are a lot of guides and books that will provide information on how to get a promotion. The problem with these books is that they assume the journey ends after being promoted. Once somebody has been promoted they are going to be under even more pressure than before because their superiors are going to be checking that they can cope in their new surroundings.

Knowing how to get promoted is one thing, but knowing how to keep that promotion is another one all together. Here are three core tips to help you keep that promotion and flourish.

Social Media Practices for Recruiters

When you’re recruiting employees, you’re always looking for possible applicants to fill the jobs you need to fill with competent and qualified future employees (or exceptional candidates when possible). Recruiters have the advantage of finding lots of potential employees quickly through social media. 98% of Americans use social media, and LinkedIn is the dominant business social media site and fourth biggest social network in general. You can easily find candidates, if you know how to look.

Say Goodbye to the Balance Burden

Are you familiar with the balance burden? I am referring to the burden and guilt trip we give ourselves each day over our attempt, and quite often failure, to balance all aspects (mom, caretaker, professional, student, friend etc.) of our lives. I spent my first year and a half of motherhood often riddled with guilt because I couldn’t seem to juggle it all. It wasn’t until the birth of my second daughter (18 months after my first) that I finally threw my hands up and admitted defeat. I was defeated, but not for long.