Posts Tagged: trust

7 Steps To Overcome Historical Hurts On Trust

Have you ever struggled to release the pain caused by broken trust?  Sure, you wanted to forget what happened. To move through the experience and move on. Yet, the pain lingered like a phantom limb. Stealing your focus. Draining your energy. Holding you back. I just took a call about this from a prospective client […]

Credibility Goes Beyond Your Credentials

Credibility has been on my mind and I flashed back to first couple of years of my HR career when I was in charge of starting a training department. I inherited a trainer who repeatedly dressed inappropriately. Her “see through” pants were so sheer that you could see whatever kind of underwear she was wearing and she would wear shirts that showed off her belly button.

Yes, there was an office Christmas Party and more. It’s a great story that I tell every time I discuss credibility, or lack thereof, in a business setting.

The Power of a Network

In competition for jobs today, it makes a difference if you are recommended or referred by someone the company already trusts. You can get your dream job because of your network – because you are connected with someone the company already trusts.

Read that again. That is powerful! Never, never neglect your network because you never know when it will have such a powerful impact on your life.

Do You Trust HR?

People flat out do not feel comfortable bringing issues to light to HR because they believe their job will be in jeopardy, no one will listen or the story will be turned around on them.

When Faith and Gut Collide

When we trust ourselves, and our experiences, we have a higher probability of being spot on most of the time.