Posts Tagged: wellness

Three Ways to Improve Your Employee Engagement Plan Right Now

Employee engagement is top-of-mind in our HR industry. As the tight job market continues, retention is equally as important as recruitment. Employers are focusing on ways to better engage workers who might otherwise go elsewhere seeking what they perceive to be “greener grass.” Employee engagement is top-of-mind in our HR industry. Alongside the traditional benefits like […]

Workplace Wellness Takes Sail #HRCruise2018

Editor’s Note:  One of our regular contributors, Donna Rogers, recently participated as an attendee and speaker on the 2018 HR Conference Cruise.  What’s an HR Cruise you may ask?  According to the website, it combines “a robust Human Resource conference with an exciting cruise to tropical islands and gorgeous getaways….It is everything that a land-based […]

Staying Cool, Calm, and Collected in the Summer Heat

“Summer time and the living is easy”. That is the tune we all hope to sing in the summer, unfortunately this is not always the case.   Balancing one’s personal life with professional responsibilities can become even more challenging when work loads and work pressures continue to turn on the heat! Here are my favorite tips […]

A Healthy & Humorous Workplace Boosts Business Performance

Healthy employees make for a healthy bottom line. The mental and physical health of your employees has a direct effect on your business’ performance. To emphasize this synergy, the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine looked at health-focused companies that won its Health Achievement Award and found they consistently outperformed the Standard & Poor’s […]

The Dangers of Snoozing Through Breakfast

How many times did you hit the snooze button this morning before you finally dragged yourself out from under the covers? C’mon, be honest. But let yourself snooze just one time and it quickly becomes a habit. Next thing you know, you’re sleeping so late that you have to skip breakfast. And then, the rest of your day is off track. I know it sounds cliché at this point, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Let’s explore the reasons why.

How Your Personal Diet Can Affect Your Professional Career

There are many aspects of your personal life that can spill over into your professional one. Although you try to reduce this intermingling of worlds, there are some that you simply cannot avoid. When it comes to the foods you eat, the effects they have on you can cause more of an impact than you may realize. Nutritional values don’t just follow you around the house and stay locked behind the door when you go to work.

What did YOU do this Weekend?

Perhaps it’s a cliché because it’s true when we admonish people to “take time to smell the roses.” Why must we feel the need to be doing-something-every-minute? After a busy, hectic and structured work week filled with meetings, appointments, phone calls and tasks, isn’t it just enough to stop, relax and not feel the need to DO?

In our quest to appear busy and engaged and active and plugged-in we seem to have collectively embraced the viewpoint that just being in one place (i.e. HOME) for a span of time longer than it takes us to sleep and bathe is now seen as some sign of societal disengagement.

Wellness at Home

How can you live a healthy lifestyle when you spend a great deal of time sitting at a desk and have a mile-long list of household and family obligations?