The Understated “Good Guy” – #TimSackettDay 2015

“HR Influencer Lists” are a dime a dozen; it seems like every other week a new list appears, touting the top 50 or 100 human resources folks that you MUST follow, who are having the most impact on the profession.  Nothing against these lists, in fact, there are many, many worthy folks who regularly make it on to them; many of them good friends and trusted colleagues of mine.  However, the problem with these lists is that they tend to be one person’s opinion, based on their sometimes limited knowledge or personal interactions.  And with that comes the inevitability of many also very worthy folks being overlooked, some of them time after time.


Maybe they are passed over because they are not the loudest voices in the space, or maybe it’s just because they are too busy with their heads down and noses to the grindstone, making progress and getting things done, to spend much time talking about what they are accomplishing.  Whatever the reason, it doesn’t make them any less influential to the profession, to their businesses, and to the people around them.


So a few years back, in response to these unfortunate, though perhaps unintentional occurrences, a few blogger types decided to create a day to recognize some of these unsung, unrecognized HR heroes.  Thus Tim Sackett Day was born, with its first honoree being its namesake.  The concept quickly caught on and it was decided to make it an annual recognition and opportunity to call out those who refuse to call out themselves.  Continuing the tradition again this year, the 2015 honoree is…..



Victorio Milian


I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Victorio personally for several years now.  I think he may have even been one of my first Twitter followers; if not that, at least one of the first with whom I had any real interaction.  I met him in person for the first time in an elevator in Chicago at HRevolution 2010, and since then, he’s been one of those people who has just always been there, in the background, quietly supportive of his HR brethren. Our similar professional backgrounds have given us a common ground, having both worked HR for retail organizations, and he’s always been someone I’ve known I could go to, to bounce ideas off, for suggestions, for inspiration.  I even credit him with providing the inspiration for what become part of my company’s employment brand; it was information and a presentation he had developed for a former employer which he generously shared that become the springboard from which our concept came to life.


That’s just the kind of person Victorio is.  Generous with thoughts and ideas, ready to help out, ready to help promote other’s interests.  He’s always looking for the next project in which he can involve other HR pros, whether it be showcasing his fellow bloggers with projects such as the “HR and Home” series he ran a few years ago; featuring various HR pros in interviews on his blog; or simply taking the initiative to run with an idea that began as a discussion on social media, putting some structure around it to make it a workable concept and rallying those involved.


And did I mention that along with being a great HR pro and a heck of a nice guy, he’s quite the talented photographer to boot?


Victorio can be found in several places online:


If you don’t know Victorio, take the time to get to know him.  You won’t regret it.





About the Author

Jennifer Payne

Jennifer Payne is a 20+ year human resources leader with a focus on researching, developing, and implementing talent management programs. She is a believer in lifelong learning and self-development who strives to stay current in HR trends, technology, best practices, and the future of work by sharing knowledge with and learning from HR colleagues and thought leaders across the country and throughout the world through writing, speaking, and involvement in various industry conferences and events.  She is one of the co-founders of Women of HR, and is currently the Editor of the site. You can connect with her on Twitter...


Terry Starr

Love. #briliant #timsackettday and was recently connected by humble @CzarofHR to @Victorio_M and can’t wait to collaborate. #greatminds @codeorg

Terri Starr

Love. #briliant #timsackettday and was recently connected by humble @CzarofHR to @Victorio_M and can’t wait to collaborate. #greatminds

Doug Shaw

Nicely done. I love the photo, there’s a wonderful glint of mischief! And well done for remembering the HR and Home stuff, I loved that!


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